
Work with us as an independent agent

Become a part-time Service Promotion Agent for us in your area and 10% of the fees paid for our service for a client’s project that you introduce could provide you with a SECOND INCOME for very little time and effort, with all of the professional planning work done by us.

In response to frequent requests, Land Planning Associates are now leading the way yet again by providing an Agency opportunity with NO MONTHLY AGENCY FEE payable.

Our Agents promote our services following straightforward and very economical methods explained in detail in our Agency Instruction Manual. They then receive 10% of the fees generated from all projects they introduce, including 10% of success fees gained when we offer a client No Win-No Fee or Contingency Fee risk-sharing terms. (Our success fees for building plots have varied between £7,500 and £19,000)

Expenditure on promotional activity is very much a personal decision for you, and can be anything from almost NIL upwards (yes, really – almost Zero expenditure apart from a few postage stamps or other low cost promotional strategies explained in our Agency Instruction Manual).

Our services allow land owners to target the massive profits available from winning permission to develop their land ….. in suitable cases without the normal financial risk of paying planning consultancy fees. They attract all kinds of land owning clients – from individuals with large gardens to builders, developers, and farmers controlling huge areas of land.

If you would like to be part of a successful land planning business delivering proven serious profits, with overheads which are insignificant compared to almost any other businesses, it is on offer NOW. We can get you up and running within a few days of receiving your application, so request a copy of our more detailed Agency information by e-mailing a request to

There are plenty of ongoing profitable opportunities available throughout the UK and we have even won planning permission for valuable new building plots in London (East Sheen and Wembley) one of which was actually owned by our Agent and made him £200,000. We also won 6 permissions for quarrying and waste disposal on land bought for less than £125,000 and sold for £2.01 million, so this is a profit opportunity that we have proved to be VERY exceptional indeed !

Request a copy of our detailed Agency Information Brochure NOW, and then decide whether you want to share in the massive profits we can create by winning permission to develop land.