Has your planning application for a home extension, garage or similar home improvement been refused by the council? We can offer a free assessment of your prospects of overturning the refusal by appeal and a quote for a low cost fixed price planning appeal for refused Householder planning applications.
No time to lose – appeal time is severely limited!
Expert planning advice
- Does your proposed planning application stand a good chance of success?
- Do you need help appealing against an application refusal?
- Looking for expert legal planning advice?
Land Planning Associates have been helping clients to realise the full profit potential of their land and buildings since 1989. We can provide a professional service to help you win planning permission, even in the most difficult circumstances.
Refused Planning Applications

Complete and submit your details for a FREE basic assessment of your prospect of a successful appeal against the refusal, with free quotation.
Land Planning Associates services are available throughout the UK
- INDEPENDENT Pre-Application Advice and Development Potential Assessments
- Planning Applications
- FREE Planning Refusal Reviews
- Planning Appeals
- Development Plan Advice and Representations
- Enforcement Notices Advice, Response and Appeals
- Agency Opportunities
Note for Applicants
We are legally responsible for the advice that we issue. Therefore we will not issue any planning advice off the cuff over the telephone
Before issuing any planning advice, we will require a plan showing the exact location of the land, and copies of any relevant correspondence with the planning authority, including details of any previous applications/decisions.